

Easy Instant Booking. Book a cleaning or other service in seconds. ; Digital To-Do Lists. Add photos, priorities, and instructions to get things done right.

slavabarkovtidy: Offline semantic Text-to-Image and Image ...

Offline semantic Text-to-Image and Image-to-Image search on your Android phone! Powered by quantized state-of-the-art large-scale vision-language pretrained ...

TIDY - Cleaning & Maintenance

評分 3.1 (120) · 免費 · Android · 透過軟體、人工智慧和人類的結合,TIDY 幫助各種規模的物業經理在任何地方改善和自動化清潔和維護。無論您有團隊還是需要團隊,我們都可以提供協助。


Selected Tidy events live streamed. Listen to pre-release singles. Video interviews. Free ticket to a yearly meet & greet event at The Tidy HQ. Early access to ...

TIDY for Pros

評分 3.1 (151) · 免費 · Android TIDY For Pros可幫助您按自己的條件賺更多的錢。 您選擇願意支付的費率(通常最高為$ 38 / hr),服務地點,所需的時間表,然後讓我們為您提供其他服務。

TIDY Text-to-Image Discovery | F-Droid

Search for images in your Gallery by text description and other visually similar images. TIDY works entirely offline, ensuring your privacy and security.


TIDY offers amazing software and great people to make cleaning and maintenance easy. 1000s of property managers, homeowners, & service pros use TIDY. TIDY · For Your Home · Pros Cleaners & service pros · Locations


Nice and fun way to clean your gallery. Despite some grammar issues (show you adds? Hello?), fun app Simple and easy to use.

在App Store 上的「TIDY

TIDY is a better way to keep your home clean, and it just got even easier with our new TIDY mobile app! At TIDY, each Homekeeper uses a smartphone to follow ...

在App Store 上的「TIDY for Pros」

需要iOS 13.0 或以上版本。 iPad: 需要iPadOS 13.0 或以上版本。 iPod touch: 需要iOS 13.0 或以上版本。 Mac: 需要macOS 11.0 ...


EasyInstantBooking.Bookacleaningorotherserviceinseconds.;DigitalTo-DoLists.Addphotos,priorities,andinstructionstogetthingsdoneright.,OfflinesemanticText-to-ImageandImage-to-ImagesearchonyourAndroidphone!Poweredbyquantizedstate-of-the-artlarge-scalevision-languagepretrained ...,評分3.1(120)·免費·Android·透過軟體、人工智慧和人類的結合,TIDY幫助各種規模的物業經理在任何地方改善和自動化清潔和維護。...

PhotoSift 1.11 圖片快速分類整理工具

PhotoSift 1.11 圖片快速分類整理工具
